Halloween was always an exciting/interesting holiday around my house growing up. To say we REALLY got into dressing up is an understatement. Me and my sister would start planning months ahead for what we would dress up as and my maternal grandmother, Mama Hall would whip us up a costume on her sewing machine. Halloween parties at school were always awesome and who doesn't love all that candy? There are a couple of things about Halloween I'll always remember:
- Getting out of school, rushing home to finish my homework and having to wait for it to turn dark to begin trick or treating. It felt like it took f-o-r-e-v-e-r for it to turn dark and when it finally did my parents couldn't move fast enough out the door. I mean come on people!!!
- My dad sticking right by my side throughout the whole night practically cheering me on as if going from house to house getting candy was an Olympic sport. The Dan Man used to LOVE trick-or-treating when he was little and apparently decided to pass on that love to his daughters. I can honestly remember saying, "Dad, my feet are sore" and him saying, "What?! Let's just do two more streets! Come on!" What a sweet Dad.
- Finally, my last Halloween (as a kid). Apparently in the 5th grade you're too "cool" to dress up for school in your Halloween costume. I didn't get the memo and wore my (homemade) blue M&M costume. I didn't wear a costume the next year. Sad day.
Kyle the pirate
Here are some quality Halloween pictures throughout the years:
Who says Halloween is just for kids? We found out in college that dressing up like complete idiots can be too much fun! I mean, who doesn't want the excuse to dress up like Tom Cruise and Katie Homes?!
The other "interesting" aspect of October 31st is that it is my parent's anniversary! Their 30th to be exact. Congrats to The Dan Man and Lila. Here's to many, many more!!!
I always get questions as to why my parents decided to get married on Halloween. No, their wedding was not Halloween themed. The date just happened to work out since my mom wanted a fall wedding and there were no major football games that Saturday. Honestly, my parents ALWAYS celebrated their anniversary taking their girls trick-or-treating when we were growing up. That's just how it went.
And lastly, "Thank you Jesus, O my Gosh, Hallelujah, Yeah Buddy" my little sister (Hayden) found out Friday that she is going to be graduating in August. Fingers crossed. We are soooo happy for her!!! She has worked so hard and waited for this moment for a long time. Let the celebration begin!!!
This is my favorite picture of us.